You’re likely to face several penalties if convicted of a DWI in Texas. One of the consequences many people worry about is what will happen to their driver’s license; they want to know if it will be suspended and for how long. As you can imagine, being without a...
We Don't Back Down
Year: 2014
Understanding the Implied Consent Law in Texas
Two common questions that drivers have are: “What do I do if I am pulled over on suspicion of drunk driving?” and “Should I take the breathalyzer and/or blood test if an officer asks me?” Before anyone finds themselves facing this dilemma, it’s important that...
What is Non-Disclosure?
If a court case against you was dismissed, it can be frustrating when it still shows up on your record and prevents you from moving on with your life. If you’re unable to get your case expunged completely, a worthy alternative is seeking an Order of Non-Disclosure. An...
No Drunk Driving Deaths at 2014 San Antonio Fiesta
The city of San Antonio, Texas is reporting that there were no drunk driving related deaths at their annual Fiesta spring festival for the fourth year in a row. Street festivals at which alcohol is served are unfortunately notorious for resulting in drunk driving or...
The Problem with Standardized Field Sobriety Tests
Field Sobriety Tests No one likes to be pulled over by the police, and it can be especially unnerving to be asked to step out of the car on suspicion of drinking. Many people are familiar with field sobriety tests, which ideally would be a foolproof way to judge...