Facing a conviction for DUI is a really worrying time, especially when you feel like you weren’t in the wrong. Challenging the word of a police officer can often feel too difficult and even pointless. There are times, however, when police officers get it wrong and...
We Don't Back Down
Year: 2022
Could you face felony charges related to drunk driving in Texas?
Most drivers arrested on allegations of driving while intoxicated (DWI) offenses in Texas will plead guilty to the charges against them. They may think that mounting a defense would prove too difficult given the circumstances, and they convince themselves that a...
What are the consequences of refusing a Breathalyzer test in Texas?
You probably already know that you have the right to an attorney, the right to remain silent, and the right to avoid self-incrimination. People sometimes misunderstand the application of these rights and may jump to conclusions about what police officers can and...
3 reasons why your DWI blood test might be wrong
You may be surprised when the police pull you over on suspicion of DWI. However, you’ll be even more surprised if the blood alcohol test turns out positive. While blood tests are often considered more accurate than other tests, these tests sometimes give a false...
Crucial steps to take after a car accident
If you are involved in a car accident for the first time, you may be unsure exactly what you need to do after this rattling experience. For this reason, it’s important to consider the steps to take in advance so that you know how to approach the situation if it...
Best practices during a Texas DWI traffic stop
We all will have encounters with law enforcement at some point. The goal is for the officer to not remember the encounter. Follow this tips to get that done.
Should you accept a plea deal and avoid a trial?
Your defense attorney should always be ready for trial even though most cases will be resolved with a plea bargain.
What can you do after a crash caused by an uninsured motorist?
Driving is a privilege that comes with numerous annual expenses. You have to pay a vehicle registration charge to the Texas state government every year. You also have to pay to renew your driver's license every few years. Beyond that, there are the actual costs for...
How catastrophic are semitruck accidents?
Car accidents happen every day. While that’s not a comforting fact, it could give you a better idea of what to expect next time you’re on the road. Car accidents can cause serious, even fatal injuries, but semitrucks may be even more dangerous. Texas has the highest...
3 explanations for why people fail breath tests while not drunk
A chemical breath test is often an important part of the driving while intoxicated (DWI) arrest process. It provides chemical corroboration for a police officer's claims that your driving showed signs of impairment. Frequently, drivers who fail a chemical breath test,...