If you get into a serious car accident, you may initially think that you avoided significant injury. You may climb out of the car and wait for emergency crews to arrive, thinking only about how lucky you are. But are you? Or are you actually experiencing serious...
We Don't Back Down
Month: June 2022
Don’t treat child abuse cases like they are black and white
Someone either mistreated a child or they didn't, right? To many people, however, the law in Texas leaves more to the interpretation of police and prosecutors than people realize. An individual does not necessarily need to cause physical harm to a child through abuse...
How taking some medications may lead to a DWI
It’s not uncommon to take a prescription or OTC (over-the-counter) medication before heading out for the day. However, before jumping behind the wheel, it’s important to consider how those medications may affect you. Some medicines, even common ones sold at the...
Why growing marijuana in Texas is a very dangerous act
Some people call marijuana "weed" because of how quickly and aggressively the plant grows. The government spends millions of dollars every year eradicating wild marijuana plants growing because birds have dropped the seeds somewhere or people planted them in public...
When can the evidence against you be suppressed?
Did you know that not all evidence against you may be admissible in court? It is possible to suppress evidence if the police violated your constitutional rights when getting the evidence or if they made legal mistakes in handling it. Suppressed evidence will be...