Someone who is convicted of drunk driving in Texas may be sentenced to a variety of penalties. A guilty plea or conviction for driving while intoxicated (DWI) offense could lead to probation, jail time, financial penalties and license suspension, among other...
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Criminal Defense
The new Texas law involving intoxication manslaughter
A drunk driving crash that causes catastrophic injuries or death can have long-term consequences for the families of those who were in the vehicles. That’s especially true when a child loses a parent. Texas has become the latest state to enact a law that requires...
How you can incriminate yourself in a DWI case
Driving while impaired (DWI) can land you in trouble – you may pay fines, go to jail or lose your driver's license. In Texas, you can be charged with this offense if you are caught driving with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08% or higher or as soon as alcohol or...
Why it’s important to get an attorney quickly after a DWI arrest
For many people, a drunk driving arrest is their first brush with the law. It’s the first time they’ve ever been read their Miranda rights, handcuffed and put in the back of a police car. It’s the first time they’ve spent time inside a jail cell. If that’s what you’ve...
The financial consequences of a DUI conviction
A DUI conviction can have devastating financial consequences that extend well beyond the immediate fines and legal fees. From increased insurance premiums to potential job loss and the need for mandatory counseling, the financial toll of a DUI conviction can be...
Are field sobriety tests accurate?
Field sobriety tests are often administered when a police officer believes that a driver is under the influence of alcohol. Field sobriety tests can help to demonstrate impairment prior to an arrest and subsequent breath or blood test. The idea is that a driver who...
Why does Texas have both DWI and DUI charges?
In the vast realm of legal terminology, few acronyms are as familiar as DWI and DUI. These terms, often used interchangeably, refer to two distinct offenses related to impaired driving. These two terms often leave people puzzled due to their similar nature. Therefore,...
Facing DUI or DWI charges? Do not rush into a plea deal
One of the common mistakes individuals make when facing DUI charges is assuming that fighting the charges is futile. As such, many DUI and DWI defendants hurriedly accept plea deals without thinking through the consequences. The truth is plea deals can be advantageous...
How potential penalties increase with each subsequent Texas DWI
There are many reasons that a driver in Texas might get arrested for a driving while intoxicated (DWI) offense. Some motorists end up arrested after their involvement in a collision. Other times, it is a one-on-one traffic stop that leads to a driver's arrest....
Key points about Texas’ zero tolerance laws
Like many other states, Texas uses zero-tolerance laws for minors. These laws pertain to the use of alcohol. In this context, a minor is someone who is under 21 years old. This is worth noting because the term is often used to refer to those who are under 18. But it...