If you do not use drugs, grow them or handle them, you might assume you will be safe from the threat of drug-related charges. While that sounds logical, it is not always how it works. The police could arrest you on suspicion of a drug crime you had nothing to do with....
We Don't Back Down
Year: 2022
Has your teen been drawn into a gang?
While law enforcement is doing its best to crack down on criminal gangs in San Antonio, they have a long way to go. Not all gangs engage in violence or crime, but several are set up for these very purposes. The sad reality is that younger people are especially...
3 things to avoid if investigated for a white-collar crime
If you find yourself investigated on suspicion of a white-collar crime, it’s important to accept that. You certainly do not need to accept that you are guilty or did anything wrong. Yet you do need to accept that the authorities have a right to carry out the...
Running from the police can’t help you
We all react differently in stressful situations, and there are few more stressful situations than being approached by the police as a suspect. Some people may freeze in this situation while others may become irate. It’s also not uncommon for individuals to try and...
Have you been accused of stalking?
Texas, along with all other states, has implemented legislation that addresses the crime of stalking. Often, stalking is associated with an individual following another person and making them feel threatened. While this could amount to stalking, the definition of the...
How are “assault and battery” charged in Texas?
People rarely go out actively seeking a fight. So, when someone is confronted by another person, it can put them on edge. Maybe someone threw a fist or got pushy, but no one was injured. Someone put into an uncomfortable position may react by accusing you of...
Why would a trucking company be responsible for a crash?
If you get involved in a crash with an 18-wheeler, you may feel that it is the driver's fault. That truck driver made some sort of mistake and caused the accident. You know that you didn't do anything wrong, so the fault has to lie with them. But it may not. There are...
Do you know your rights when being questioned by the police?
When you are pulled over or arrested by the police, part of the process is questioning. The police are going to ask you questions related to their suspicions about you. The goal of this questioning is to gather the information that can be used against you if you end...
When is arson a federal offense?
If you burn a neighborhood fence, it will likely result in state arson charges. While state offenses require a serious approach to defense, the consequences are significantly less severe than a federal arson conviction. Federal charges for committing arson only arise...
Not all injuries are physical after an auto accident
While anyone who goes through a serious crash does need to be examined for physical injuries, it’s also important for people to know that they could have psychological injuries as well. Combined with the pain of serious injuries and trauma, it is possible to have...